Thursday, December 15, 2016

Letter to Our Patients with Delta Dental in 2017

To Our Valued Patients at Lund Dental with Delta Dental Insurance:

We work in a special office here at Lund Dental. I truly believe that. First and foremost, we put our patients first. At every morning business meeting we discuss how we can do things better for our patients. We know that we are nothing without our patients, and we work very hard to earn and maintain their respect and trust. Dr. William Lund built this practice 41 years ago, and I am proud to say I have been here over 13 years.

We have made a conscious effort to be an exceptional dental practice that does not cut corners with time, workmanship, or care. Just a few of the ways we do this include: a dentist personally spending over an hour with each new patient; reserving a full hour for each adult continuing care cleaning; investing in state-of-the-art dental technology; using the best dental materials and laboratories; encouraging and paying our team to attend continuing education classes; paying to retain our first class staff.

A long time ago, we decided that we were not going to allow dental insurances to dictate our dentistry, and through the years we have opted out of several plans that would have put such financial stress on us that we could not do the kind of dentistry that our patients deserve. We do not want to be a dental factory, churning out subpar fillings and rushing through 30 minute cleanings. Neither Dr. William Lund nor I could sleep at night if that were the kind of care we provided.

I cannot fully express the anger and frustration I felt today when we received a letter from Delta Dental of Massachusetts stating that unless we play ball with them, we will be dropped from their plan. What do they want us to do?…Accept an approximately 25% fee reduction across the board. If we refuse to sign their paperwork, they will inform all our Delta Dental of Massachusetts patients that we are no longer a provider, and they will recommend that they seek dental care elsewhere with a Delta Dental provider. We will no longer be able to submit insurance for our patients and receive payment; instead, patients who choose to remain with us will pay for services and then seek reimbursement from Delta themselves. The letter stated we have 14 days to decide what to do. It seems very convenient that the letter was sent around Christmas time when everyone is busy and distracted.

This is Delta Dental of Massachusetts taking advantage of you the patient. They want to pay less money for your dental care, and they do not care if it means you the patient receive compromised care. For years, we have accepted a write-off of approximately 10% from Delta Dental of Massachusetts. We did this because we knew a large portion of our patients have Delta, and financially it was feasible to take the write-off. As the write-off climbs to over 30%, it is no longer the case. Something has to give, and we do not want it to be your dental care.
Does this mean that if we remain in the plan we would do “bad” dentistry? Of course not! But that 60 minute cleaning will need to be cut down to 40 minutes. There will be less time with the actual dentist and more time with assistants. Does this sound familiar to anyone? It is what has happened with medicine, and I cannot think of one person who is genuinely happy with their medical care or medical insurance.

Just as we are upset and frustrated, you should be too. Contact your employer and tell them to find alternatives to Delta Dental of Massachusetts. Delta Dental is only looking out for themselves and puts no real value on the quality of your dental care. We plan on doing everything we can to oppose this. We love and value you our patients and love dentistry too much to go down without a fight.

Yours Truly,

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Only a Few Months Left to use Dental Benefits!

Did you know there is only 4 months until 2017?  Fall is upon us as children head back to school, the sun is setting a little earlier each night, and the bright green of summer slowly becomes burnt oranges and vibrant reds.  As we near the end of your insurance year, we wanted to remind you to take advantage of any unused dental benefits. Every year you receive a maximum amount from your dental insurance company, and in most cases the unused portion of this amount is lost when the new insurance year starts. These are benefits you have already paid for! 

What about Flex Benefits?  It's your last opportunity to “use it” before you “lose it,” you owe it to yourself to check on the balance today. 

Click here to schedule your appointment

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

But They are Going to Fall Out!- Fillings on Primary Teeth are Important

 But They are Going to Fall Out!

Importance of Fillings on Primary Teeth 

            When children are seen at Lund Dental, they may on occasion need a primary tooth to be restored.  Parents are often puzzled as to why we would “fill” a baby tooth.           Small cavities on baby teeth can become BIG very quickly since the enamel (hard outer shell) on children’s teeth is thinner than that of adult’s while the nerve is much bigger.  Therefore, small cavities on baby teeth can turn very large and very painful very quickly.
          Primary or “baby” teeth are place holders so to speak for the adult teeth underneath.  If a tooth has a cavity that is untreated, it will progress and could become abcessed. Now that tooth must be removed and a space maintainer will be needed.  Premature loss of primary teeth can cause the other primary teeth to collapse in the space.  It also can affect the child’s speech. Furthermore, the adjacent teeth may also decay.  We make every effort to make your child’s appointment easy for them.

         At Lund Dental your child’s dental health is very important to us.  We make your child’s dental visit a very pleasant experience.  With regular dental cleanings and good home care, childhood cavities can be avoided.  

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Lund Dental Gives Back!

Lund Dental Gives Back!

Giving back to the community is important to our team at Lund Dental Associates.  Throughout the year, we set community service goals and coordinate activities with local Stoneham businesses and schools.  We often involve our patients too.  Our patients are enthusiastic to help us reach our donation goals and provide us with overwhelming support.

In the Stoneham school system, Lund Dental has donated custom athletic mouthguards to various sports teams.  We have had the athletes from the Stoneham High School Football team and Girls Lacrosse Team come into our office to be fit for professional mouthguards. Most recently, our office attended the Stoneham Chamber of Commerce’s Health Fair Expo and gave away coupons for free athletic mouthguards to any Stoneham athlete of any age. 

We work closely with the Stoneham Food Bank, gathering food and supplies for families in Stoneham.  During the summer, Lund Dental and our patients collect household supplies ranging from paper towels to baby products to personal hygiene.  Our fall collection consists of can goods and non-perishables, while during the winter we collect toys for the holiday season.  Our team is more than appreciative to the staff at the Stoneham Food Bank for their constant dedication to help those in need and allowing our team to help them in their efforts.

Want to learn more about Lund Dental community service?   Check us out at!

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Love These Cool Shades…Why Do I Need Them? Eye Protection at Lund Dental.

Love These Cool Shades…Why Do I Need Them?

            We at Lund Dental now ask our patients to wear protective eye wear during all procedures.  The common question asked is “these are nice but why must I wear them”?  There are several reasons but mostly for the patient’s comfort and safety.

            All clinicians at Lund Dental wear safety glasses and now all patients as well. During any procedure, there are many facets that could cause injury to the patient in the chair.  The handpiece itself sprays air and water, putting articles into the air that may go into the patient’s eyes.  Also, many different materials are used, some passed over the patient, that could be harmful.  By wearing the safety glasses, we are eliminating any possibility of something entering our patient’s eyes.

On another note, the glasses are comforting to the patient.  The doctors have bright lights on their glasses and the overhead lamp can shine into the patients eyes. The dark glasses alleviate this.  Also, many find that they are relaxing to wear.

            Our patients’ comfort and safety is first and foremost in our practice. At Lund Dental, we make our patients’experiences first and foremost.

Monday, April 4, 2016

The Traveling Dentist

During the spring months, Lund Dental’s Dr. Cara Lund and dental assistants Jeanne and Mary travel to various school to teach children about properly caring for their teeth.  They also bring along Phil (yes, a pun on “filling”), a dental forward puppet with a full functioning set of pearly whites. 

Not only do we show the kids how to properly brush and floss with the help of Phil, we like to talk about keeping a healthy mouth with a healthy diet.  Discussing sugar content, especially sugar in drinks is a big eye opener for the kids.  We bring along our “sugar bags” to show them how much sugar they are drinking in soda, sports drinks, and even juice.

Kids seems to have many questions about cavities and we discuss what it means to get a cavity and how we clean and fill them.   We also show them x-rays and explain how these are used to look for cavities.

This interactive dental show allows kids to showcase their dental knowledge as well.  Kids are asked what types of food and drinks keep their mouth healthy and things they should avoid.  Kids are more astute than you think!  We always get a plethora of answers from soda to “my mom’s homemade extra chocolate cake.”

To schedule a dental show for your school, please give us a call!  

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

            When learning something new or trying to understand a concept that is not familiar, oftentimes a picture or video is helpful.  At Lund Dental we are pleased with one of our newest additions to patient education called “Caesy”.

            Caesy is a series of videos that explains dental procedures to the patient using patients in a true dental setting.  The videos are short and to the point, eliminating confusion for the patient.  Before a procedure,   each patient is invited to watch an applicable video and oftentimes has most if not all questions answered.   This may be done at the time of the treatment planning or just before the beginning of the procedure.  A handout further explaining  the procedure may also be handed to the patient.  

 Children also benefit from Caesy.  While they are in the hygienists’ chairs,  they may watch one of the many videos geared to children about brushing, flossing, and a variety of other subjects. Each children’s video features monkeys, dogs and other animals helping teach children on their level and making it fun for them to learn about the dentist.

            At Lund Dental we believe that patient education is of the utmost importance.  Our use of these Caesy videos plays a large role in our accomplishing just this.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Love the Gums You're With

Love the Gums You’re With 

It may seem like a hassle to get to the dentist for your continuing care hygiene visit with work and your kid’s afterschool activities but did you know gum disease can increase the risk heart disease?

Patients who have periodontal disease have inflamed gums due to trapped bacteria which is called plaque.  This inflammation is caused by poor dental hygiene, unhealthy diet, and/or smoking.  The unhealthy gums pull back from the tooth and periodontal pockets develop which creates a breeding ground for bacteria.  The pockets can widen enough to even cause loose teeth.     

So what does gum disease and heart disease have in common?   Inflammation!  Don’t be fooled.  The bacteria doesn’t stay in the mouth.  It travels from the diseased gum tissue to your bloodstream throughout your body.  Plaque can then build up in the arteries.  This clogging inflames the tissue and reduces blood flow and oxygen flow to the heart. 

There is a number of prevention methods: 
            -Brushing and flossing twice a day.
            -Routine visits to your dental provider.
            -Healthy diet and weight.  A diet rich in antioxidants help decrease any inflammation in the body and fight bacteria.

Keep your heart healthy and visit your dentist!