The Hidden Rascals
It is that time of year again, cold
and flu season! Airborne germs are so
easily spread through coughing and sneezing.
Because of this, we must think outside the box and remember our
toothbrushes. Yes, our toothbrushes!
After it is used, our toothbrush remains a moist, warm
environment that is most welcoming to these airborne germs; not just colds and
flu but any illness. Because of this, we must keep our toothbrushes healthy.
Thoroughly rinse your brush after use to rid it of any
remaining toothpaste or food particles. Always let your toothbrush dry between
brushings; air drying allows the bacteria to disperse. It is best not to lay it on the counter; the
upright position is optimal for drying out the brush. Do not store it in the
medicine chest; the heightened moisture is enough to spread germs to an
unhealthy extent. Bacteria will not
fester in the open air.
Using mouthwash before you begin brushing will help you to
get rid of germs that could wind up on your brush. Using mouthwash before can eliminate the
bacteria that would cling to your brush.
After any illness, a toothbrush should be replaced,
eliminating the possibility of reintroducing harmful bacteria into your body.
Finally, your toothbrush should be replaced regularly. Lund Dental happily gives all patients a new
brush at every continuing care appointment.